Grobots Club

Grobots is the Robotics club of Shri Ramswaroop Memorial College of Engineering and Management, Lucknow. Students community of Grobots is responsible for holding national level Robotics Event on tech-fest Gantavya.

Our Achievements

Our Achievements

Check out our club achievements on different robotics competitions throughout the country

Problem Statements

Problem Statements

Check out our past problem statements for different robotic events.

Our Team

Our Team

Meet our team, people who made all this possible.

Our Gallery

Our Gallery

Have a look of some of the most funny, and interesting moments of this club.

Our Events

Every year our club organizes some of the most interesting robotic events which are the center of attraction of Gantavya techfest. Wanna check them out?



This event has a great magnetism for the programmers. It involves great deal of programming and logic. An autonomous bot is the one which is fed with the programs and it works according to the logics and commands given to it .

Semi Autonomous

Semi Autonomous

This event is a mixture of autonomous and manual bot. The event not only requires the participants to showcase their programming skill but also demands them to have a manual control over the bot

Robo Soccer

Robo Soccer

Soccer has always been an enthusiastic game amongst youngsters. Here we are with even more exciting version of soccer: Robo-soccer

Mini War

Mini War

This event is quite aggressive one. This involves the manual bots of weight around 7kg. It has three opponent teams revolting against each other

Robo Race

Robo Race

It is one of the most exciting events of Gantavya.You need to control a remote control bot over a long arena full of hurdels.

Mega War

Mega War

This event is the central attraction of the Gantavya. In this, the bots of around 50kg and more fight against each other. The event tests the participants for their strategy of attack, bot design and control.

Recent Blog Posts

Check out our latest blog updates.

Revised Problem Statements | SRMGPC | GANTAVYA 2k19
Online Registration for Robotics Events|GANTAVYA 2K19 |GROBOTS|SRMGPC
Selected Assistant Co-ordinators | GROBOTS | SRMGPC
1st Year Registraion For Classes | GANTAVYA 2K19 | GROBOTS CLUB


Here You Will Find The Answers Of Your Most Asked Questions

1. What is Grobots?

GROBOTS ! Pronounced as Grow-Bots, meaning Growing Bots. Grobots is the Robotics; and the only technical; club of Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional Colleges, Lucknow. Student community of Grobots is responsible for holding national level Robotics Event for tech-fest Gantavya. It conducts weekly classes of robotics for the interested students and also teach them how to make a ROBOT. This club is also responsible for helping students in getting through their projects and bots for events held within the college and outside the college.

2. What is Gantavya?

CIt is a technical fest organized at SRMCEM, Campus- Tiwariganj Faizabadroad LKO. Mostly it is held in the month of October and November. The robotics society at SRMCEM has a great role play. Every year national level robotics competitions are held in different innovative manner. One of the most important aim of these events id to generate a sense of practical engineering problems coming in ways of every engineer .Events are so framed that every participant gets an full fledged chance to open up their mind and taste the real engineering problems.

3. What is Robotics?

Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacturing , and operation of robots. Robotics can be seen as a field of getting inspired by natural mechanisms and converting them into non living parts in such a way to reduce human work. It’s an ocean of endless opportunities, a path never to end and a fun never to let you bored of.