PICO: The world's smallest Arduino board!

Size matters! PICO is making big dreams of making small things a reality. A mini fully-fledged arduino-compatible has been a dream for many enthusiast hardcore DIY-ers, and with the size of only 0.6”x0.6”, the PICO shouts to be your best new friend around. Can you imagine the possibilities already? 

Arduino have never been such small and so capable like now.


- Four awesome PICO boards, you can
choose its color.
- Two powerful aluminum PICO boards for heavy-duty applications.
- The all new board called MiniMega which is fully Arduino Mega with 1.5"x1.5" dimensions with its all 54 pins, and your name will be typed on it.
- 2x Dual PICO board (two PICOs in the same board that are connected togather).
- Two micro li-ion batteries (300 mAh).
- Two PICO joystick shields. You can choose its color and a text typed on it (your name, project name …etc.).
- Micro Drone kit.
- Awesome PICO solar station that will astonish you.
- PICO Starter Kit.
- Special "THANK YOU" Video.

  •  Aluminium PICO
  • Four Colored PICO's (you can choose its colors)
  •  PICO Joystick Shield (type your name on it!)
  • Micro Drone Kit
  • PICO Solar Station
  •  Dual PICO Board
  •  Micro li-ion battery
  • PICO Starter Kit
  • Special "THANK YOU" Video
  •  MiniMega board
PICO: The world's smallest Arduino board! project video thumbnail